Welcome to Soul-Haven 

I am happy that you have found me and would like to introduce me and my vocation as a spiritual medium to you. 
To be a spiritual medium one has a great responsibility to both the client and the spiritual world. 
(I work according to the British standard.) 


Spiritual Medium  

Alexandra Hilfrich-Becker

Let's set sail together ... my soul route to this day:
Today I know that the spiritual world has always been a compass in my life since I was little but it has been a very long way to date. I was born in Bonn in 1977 and was diagnosed with a serious heart condition and already went through serious heart surgery during the first two days of my life. I had my second heart surgery when I was 8 years old. During the surgery I was clinically dead temporary and my parents had been told that I only had a 5% chance of survival. Fortunately I'm still here, but as a child I dealt with the subject of death and the questions why I am here and for what purpose. I was never afraid of my own death because I knew it was beautiful.
My father died when I was 18 years old and for us it happened very suddenly and unexpectedly. This plunged me into a very deep hole and I found it very difficult to deal with his sudden death. In my environment I was expected to get back to 'normal' everyday life after my father had passed away after a few weeks. For the next few years I tried to make sense of it all for myself. I received signs from my father through dreams and also through subtle things like the smell of cigarette smoke. But I also had strange encounters like i.e. when a strange woman whom I didn't know gave me her ring on the bus and told me that I could use it better than she did.

I have learned for myself that the spiritual world is always around me and so I started to embark on my journey and set sail in 2009 ...and started my journey becoming an animal communicator. Today I am grateful for all the experiences that I was able to make and that have shaped me a lot, because this has made me the person I am today.

What I know today ...
The meaning of life here on earth is to collect a variety of experiences that are important for the development of your own soul. In order to then take the next step into the spiritual world as a developed soul in order to be able to develop further there.

Today I live happily together with my husband and our 8 cats and 2 dogs near Trier in the beautiful Hunsrück.

Silver Birch 
"For that reason I say to you again and again that what you regard as the bad experiences can be the best ones for you. It is not in the sunshine that the soul finds itself, but in the storm. It is when the thunder rages and the lightning flashes. 
You must be sharpened, purged, refined. You must experience the heights and depths. You must have the variety of experiences that earth provides for you. In this way the spirit emerges stronger, fortified, ready for what awaits it when death comes. " 
“It is for this reason that I keep telling you that what you consider bad experiences may be the best for you. The soul does not recognize itself in the sunshine, but in the storm. Only when the thunder rages and the lightning flashes. 
They need to be sharpened, cleaned, refined. You have to go through the ups and downs. You must have the variety of experiences that earth offers you. In this way the mind emerges empowered, empowered, and ready for what awaits it when death comes. " 
Excerpt from 
Silver birch light 


What does grief really mean? 


My very personal experience with the subject of death and dying...

When an animal or loved one dies, that event leaves a large, empty void inside of us. Many people do not know how to deal with this inner pain, they do not know what could fill this gap. I have thought a lot about the word mourning, everyone's own grief is individually perceptible. Everyone grieves differently and yet we all have the feeling of emptiness within us. 

When my father died, I was just 18 years old; I think 18 years today, so young and yet I suddenly had to grow up. What did his sudden death trigger in me? 

How did I deal with it? I swallowed my own grief, looked for things that could fill the emptiness inside of me and make me happy. I worked and continued to live on, day in, day out...but inside of me it was still very empty and I felt lonely. For many years I couldn't think of my father let alone talk about him without tears welling up in my eyes. I carried this great pain of grief within me and had locked it up well. I know the feeling when the ground is pulled from under your feet, when you are suddenly confronted with the hard facts of reality. 


When my life was turned upside down in 2009 and a new phase of life for me started, I began to deal with myself through animal communication and suddenly and also unexpectedly something wonderful happened...I could allow myself to face my grief, deal with it and heal. One can grow or break from grief; now I know how both feels. My training to become an animal communicator showed me my own way of dealing with my own grief. 

In the meantime I work almost exclusively with deceased animals and their grieving people. My own experiences help me to empathize with the situation even better. For many years I have also been attending Mediumship workshops such as those by Gordon Smith, Nina Herzberg, Monika Thomson, Therese Lorbert & Carol Ellis, Nicole, de Haas, Wendy Lyon, Rachel Casson and other Mediums in Great Britain. My shamanic training with Beate Ehlen also encouraged my growth. I have grown from it and have found a way for myself to understand my own grief and to help people who are grieving like myself through it. I have continued my training and attending several Mediumship classes and workshops for several years now...because as a Medium you are never finished with learning.


It is important for me to have a solid foundation, a good basic knowledge and a well-founded education to build upon on. Therefore I am constantly learning and living the mediumship according to the English Spiritism (SNU) and am trained here by international avoidance (???!!!)

As the beautiful saying goes: "The path is the goal/the journey is the reward." 

If my father didn't die before 1995, I would have wished I had the knowledge of today because it would have helped me a lot in my deep sadness during my grief.

Maybe I would have been spared a lot, but I wouldn't be the person I am today either, therefore I am also grateful for this great lesson. My father taught me never to be afraid, no matter what...I'm not afraid anymore!. 


I have the confidence that he still supports and guides me, even though if his death was very sudden and unexpected, all that remains is love. 


Thank you, Dad 

I wouldn't say that I was born with the gift, but as a child I was able to perceive and feel the spiritual world. While many might say that it is a gift, I look at it and say that it is a gift to have the knowledge that after one's physical death one continues to exist as a soul on earth; nothing disappears forever ... 

A message in a bottle from the spiritual world...

A medium is a mediator between the invisible world and our world

A medium has a great responsibility towards its clients. It must not make any interpretations of the future nor mention any physical or mental diagnoses in the client's contact. Even recommendations such as l.i. drinking more water are not permitted according to the standard of British spiritualism.

The vocation of a medium is to enable healing in both worlds through a contact.
To be a medium means to take responsibility for both the material and the spiritual world. In order to come into contact with the spiritual world, first of all it is important to increase your own energy in order to adapt to the energy of the spiritual world.
It's like radio waves, we have to tune in to the correct frequency on the radio to reach a particular station.

The spiritual world vibrates very high and very quickly. I am continuing my education as a medium according to British standards through German-speaking and English-speaking mediums. Under the tab "about me" you can find out more about me as a person.

I am currently working on my TPS1 from the SNU (Teaching & Practice of Spiritualism, Accreditation Level Course)

Contact with the spirit world

As a medium, I receive information and messages from the spiritual world through my clairvoyant senses and I pass on the information of the deceased to my clients.

A contact with the afterlife is always to be seen as a kind of experiment and the person you want or hope for does not always come through. We all have many dear souls in the spiritual world who are waiting to give us the opportunity to get in touch with them.

I receive the deceased subjectively; first of all, it is always important to clarify the identity of the deceased as evidence.
Based on the personality, the relationship between the client and the deceased, the appearance, characteristic traits, occupation, marital status, etc. The deceased often show me things that were important to them in life, shared memories and also the cause of death.

Then follows the communication about why the deceased has appeared, here it is also about what the deceased wants to tell his loved ones or clarify with them. It also happens that those deceased show themselves to whom one had rather poor contact in life; here I would like to contribute to the fact that healing can be experienced on both sides through this contact.

Perhaps something could not be clarified or said in life; at this point there is now space to experience healing through contact on both sides.

Finally, the client receives a message from the deceased; these messages can be filled with positive things and illustrate to the bereaved that their deceased are still there for them.

During the contact it is important to answer the information that comes from the spiritual world only with yes, no or maybe! As a serious medium, I do not want to receive any information in advance.

A contact with the afterlife is a ray of light and gives hope and confidence. Not only for the bereaved, but also for the deceased, it is a great opportunity to prove that one has not died and is gone because love is eternal and what always connects us.

Why are we dying?

Silver Birch
Quotes from Lift Up Your Hearts

"Everyone in your world has to die.
It is part of the law that one cannot live on earth forever.
It is therefore inevitable that when the physical body has fulfilled its function, it will be separated from the spiritual body and soul that animated it.

In this way the transition period can be reached and the soul marches on as part of its eternal pilgrimage.
It is of course sad that this is happening because unfortunately many of you have restricted your spiritual vision so that you only see the material, the shell, the shell and not the underlying, sublime reality.

The eyes of the mind are open, knowing that whoever you love and who loves you has left you physically but not spiritually. Death has no power to separate those whom love has brought together and made one in spirit

What can I expect from a contact with the hereafter?

When you found your way to my service or once we schedule a video appointment via Zoom, then your loved ones in the spiritual world will already know that you would like to contact them. However, there is no guarantee that the exact person you would like to show up during the contact will come through. A contact with the hereafter is a possibility for the deceased to prove his or her continued existence.

A trained medium acts to the best of its knowledge and beliefs.
If a contact is not possible or didn't turn out as expected there is of course a money-back-guarantee for the clients peace of mind.

The spiritual medium

In order to come into contact with the spiritual world, the medium connects with the spiritual world. The contact is perceived mentally through the medium by feeling, hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling or simply knowing intuitively through its clairvoyant senses.

The medium passes on the impressions it receives from the relatives in the spiritual world to the client.

Do my passed loved ones want to contact me?

Our loved ones in the spiritual world want to show us that they are doing well.
That they are not dead but still very much alive; the dead are not disturbed in their peace by a contact.
The soul continues to exits and lives on in the spiritual world, it is a level of existence that is controlled by the power of thoughts.
Our loved ones want to tell us that they are fine, that they are still alive and that they continue to exist after physical death.

"If a loved companion or child passes through the veil of death, do not fear separation, for you may go to your beloved now, and he or she can still guide and companion you in your earthly life. Only materialism can separate souls who love; death cannot sever them."

 Spiritual Unfoldment 1 von White Eagle

Message in a bottle from the spiritual world 

Contact with the spirit world

Individual session contact with your deceased.
Session duration: 45 minutes
€ 125,-

If the contact is not established there is of course a money-back guarantee!

Spiritual assessment

This will be conducted as a spiritual assessment of the medium potential you may already have within yourself.
Session duration: 45 minutes
€ 135,-

Energetic healing session

I offer every healing session free of charge because everyone has the right to be healed.

Soul-Haven / Alexandra Hilfrich-Becker

Please just contact me via email and we can schedule an appointment via ZOOM.


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